Can Eggs Make You Taller?

Have you ever wondered why some parents seem obsessed with a plate of eggs their kids consume for breakfast? Because a prevailing myth suggests that eggs can make your kids grow taller. This notion stems from the belief that eggs with a rich source of nutrients are crucial for bone growth and overall development. But is there any scientific evidence behind this old-schooled myth, or is it just a joke? Stay tuned and explore whether eggs are the real growth champion for teenagers’ stature during their formative years or not.

Eggs and Growth: Fact or Fiction?

The Connection Between Nutrition and Growth During Puberty

Research indicates that nutritional intake during childhood and adolescence has a significant impact on the normal pubertal development of teenagers. Indeed, it can be explained to account for as much as 25% of the variation in the onset and tempo of puberty.

Noticeably, puberty marks a dynamic period of rapid growth and development in adolescents. Children are believed to undergo profound body compositional changes. Due to the increasing demands for calories, energy, and micronutrients imperative to deal with the fast-paced linear growth and increased physical activity, adequate nutrition becomes a main permissive factor during the pubertal process of both sexes [1].

Nutritional Profile of Eggs

Eggs are a nutrient-dense food, including an array of vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, and most importantly, high-quality protein.


The soluble protein value of a chicken egg is noteworthy, and high concentrations of proteins are found largely in both egg white and egg yolk. In details:

  • Egg white: contains around 10.90 grams of protein per 100 grams
  • Egg yolk: the primary protein-rich center of an egg with approximately 15.0 grams of protein per 100 grams [2].

These values are slightly variable depending on many factors, such as hen genetics and age. Nearly 1000 types of protein have been identified in a fresh egg, including those in the eggshell.

Egg protein has been realized as a highly digestible and excellent source of amino acids (building blocks), which are associated with decreased malnutrition and enhanced skeletal muscle health. For example, we can see the improvements in muscle mass, strength, function, and recovery from exercise.

Increased strengths, as a result of dietary protein intake, are demonstrated by many factors. Typically, they are knee extension and handgrip strength, body mass, and the secretion of growth hormones, like insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1).

Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs, a nutritional powerhouse, boast a wide variety of vitamins and trace minerals crucial for overall well-being. Specifically, eggs contain high amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, and a group of different vitamin B(s). These vitamins are pivotal for visionary health, bone, immune function, cell growth, and metabolism. For example, vitamin D is well-known for its effects on incremental calcium absorption and bone vitality in individuals. Eggs are one of the few natural dietary sources of vitamin D.

In addition to vitamins, eggs contain choline – a natural substance that supports the functioning of the liver, neurotransmission, brain development, and bone integrity [3].

What’s more, egg yolk is the major supplier of trace elements, like zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium. Deficiencies in zinc, magnesium, and selenium have been linked to depression, fatigue, and other pathological diseases. Besides, the presence of phosphorus, a major mineral component of bones, serves growth and development. Indeed, phosphorus can be an indirect inducer of height by providing structural supports and bone strengths to make bones more resilient to fractures.

Oxidative Antioxidants

Yes, eggs do invade in the antioxidant journey. They are a good source of 2 antioxidants conducive to eye health, which are:

  • Lutein: found primarily in the yolk. This carotenoid accumulates in the retina and acts as a filter to protect your eyes from detrimental blue light.
  • Zeaxanthin: similar to lutein, zeaxanthin is concentrated in the egg yolk. This carotenoid protects the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts due to aging.
Eggs are a food rich in nutrients that are good for the body.

Eggs are a food rich in nutrients that are good for the body.

Can Eggs Make You Taller?

Admittedly, eggs are highly nutritious diets rich in vitamins and essential trace minerals that support overall health and development. Findings also indicate the effects of protein, vitamin D, and phosphorus in eggs have imposed certain benefits on bone development during childhood. However, the idea that eggs alone can increase a person’s stature is a common misconception. Why? Because the egg itself does not possess unique properties that specifically target height increase.

Therefore, eggs are not a magic resolution for making you taller. Maintaining healthy habits by incorporating age-appropriate physical workouts, adequate sleep, and nutritious diets are highly recommended for optimal growth during childhood.

Eggcellent Recipes for Teens: Beyond the Boring Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are not only renowned for their nutritional quality but also for their low-cost versatile ingredients that can be transformed into delicious and satisfying meals for teenagers with ease. Here are some of the recipe ideas you can try:

Loaded Egg Muffins

Prepare mini versions of egg muffins in a tin for grab-and-go breakfasts or snacks.

First of all, combine whisked eggs with milk and season the mixed bowl with salt and pepper to taste. Then add any fillings you like, ranging from diced ham, bacon, cheeses, and chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, spinach, or broccoli). Lastly, pour the mixture into the muffin cups and bake until the muffins are golden brown. It will be a perfect snack for kids to enjoy and receive loads of essentials needed to fuel energy throughout the day.

Banana Pancakes

If your child has a sweet tooth, a banana pancake is your best choice.

Add mashed ripe bananas to a bowl of milk and eggs and whisk the mixture until all the ingredients are well combined. Then, mix the flour, baking powder, and cinnamon (optional) before stirring both the dry and wet ingredients into one bowl. The resulting batter will be readily available to be cooked. But first, slightly grease the non-stick skillet with butter over medium heat before pouring a cup of batter onto it. Finally, top your pancakes with sliced banana, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for extra flavor if you wish.

Read more: Can Beans Help You Grow Taller?

In Conclusion,

Bear in mind that most of our height is already determined by our genetics since birth. Proper childhood nutrition with a balanced diet, including eggs that can optimize height potential, is just one of the main regulators defining the height of individuals. Other relatively important agents would be hormonal changes, current states, and regular physical workouts. Therefore, make sure to adopt healthy habits to not only maximize your stature but also establish a strong foundation for your well-being throughout your lifespan.

However, too much of something is not good. Before consuming eggs, it is ideal for you to reach out for personalized advice from a doctor or a registered dietitian. The professionals will suggest the recommended number of eggs you should consume based on your health, dietary needs, and cholesterol level.

Research paper

[1] Soliman, A. T., De Sanctis, V., & Elalaily, R. (2014). Nutrition and pubertal development. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 18(7), 39.

[2] Réhault-Godbert, S., Guyot, N., & Nys, Y. (2019b). The Golden Egg: nutritional value, bioactivities, and emerging benefits for human health. Nutrients, 11(3), 684.

[3] Puglisi, M. J., & Fernández, M. L. (2022). The health benefits of egg protein. Nutrients, 14(14), 2904.

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