The Ideal Weight Calculator determines the optimal weight range tailored to your height, gender, and age.
Devine Formula (for adults)
Devine Formula: This is a commonly used formula for calculating ideal body weight based on height and gender for adults.
- Men: Ideal Weight (kg) = 50 + 0.91 × (Height (cm) − 152.4)
- Women: Ideal Weight (kg) = 45.5 + 0.91 × (Height (cm) − 152.4)
Formula for Children Under 18
Approximate Formula for Children: This formula provides a rough estimate of ideal body weight based on height and age for children. It is less precise than the Devine formula but offers a reasonable estimate for calculation purposes.
- Metric System: Ideal Weight (kg) = (Height (cm) − 100) + 0.5 × (Age − 5 )
All formulas have limitations and may not be accurate for every individual. They consider only height and gender, ignoring factors like physical conditions, activity levels, or body composition.